The Fortunate Fall, by Daniel K. Judd USED


The Fortunate Fall, by Daniel K. Judd is an excellent book about the indispensable role of adversity and difficulties in our earth experiences.  Those who think the purpose of life is to not have tribulations just don’t get it.  Brother Judd starts by explaining how the Fall was an important blessing for all mankind.  Most of the book includes many examples of difficulties and hardships in life that actually helped to make people better.   Excellent book.  It is out of print, but we have a Used copy.  $20.00 hardback, USED.



The Fortunate Fall, by Daniel K. Judd is an excellent book about the indispensable role of adversity and difficulties in our earth experiences.  Those who think the purpose of life is to not have tribulations just don’t get it.  Brother Judd starts by explaining how the Fall was an important blessing for all mankind.  Most of the book includes many examples of difficulties and hardships in life that actually helped to make people better.   Excellent book.  It is out of print, but we have a Used copy.  $20.00 hardback, USED.