1830 Replica Edition of Book of Mormon – Palmyra edition


Book of Mormon, translated by Joseph Smith—replica of the 1830, Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon. This replica of the original Book of Mormon is the same size and appearance, including retaining the original typos and errors. This initial version was published in paragraph form, without any verses and with a different chapter organization and no footnotes or cross-references.  Published by Book Printers of Utah.  Hardback, $35.99.

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Book of Mormon, translated by Joseph Smith—replica of the 1830, Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon. This replica of the original Book of Mormon is the same size and appearance, including retaining the original typos and errors. This initial version was published in paragraph form, without any verses and with a different chapter organization and no footnotes or cross-references.  Published by Book Printers of Utah.  Hardback (592 pages), $35.99.

1830 Book of Mormon Replica (Palmyra Collector’s Edition) – New, Hardcover

Features matching the original 1830 Book of Mormon include:

  • Aqua-blue speckled edges match originals
  • Spine gold tooling matches thickness and spacing
  • Gold “BOOK OF MORMON” matches two originals
  • Page size matches 4-1/2″ x 7-1/4″
  • Thickness matches approx. 1-5/8″
  • Accurate reproduction of original calfskin covers
  • Sections are sewn like the original
  • Original typesetting retained—including errors