One Vote Away–How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History, by Ted Cruz


This is a very good, contemporary book on legal/political issues that were addressed by the US Supreme Court, and in which Senator Ted Cruz was intimately involved as a lawyer.   Cases discussed include the Heller case (2nd Amendment rights), Citizens United (free speech), Gonzalez v. Carhart (abortion), Bush v. Gore, and several others.   This is an important book.  It is an enjoyable and informative read.  Hardback, 229 pages, $28.99.


This is a very good, contemporary book on legal/political issues that were addressed by the US Supreme Court, and in which Senator Ted Cruz was intimately involved as a lawyer.   Cases discussed include the Heller case (2nd Amendment rights), Citizens United (free speech), Gonzalez v. Carhart (abortion), Bush v. Gore, and several others.   This is an important book.  It is an enjoyable and informative read.  Hardback, 229 pages, $28.99.