By C. Paul Smith
This is a very important book in 2022. It exposes the corrupt work of some scientists and many socialists who try to make the case that humans are destroying the planet and that we must stop climate change within nine years or else the planet will be destroyed. Science does not support this world-wide hoax that for over 30 years has been the mission of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). As lies and deceptions of the climate change fanatics are being exposed, scientists who had once supported the IPCC are jumping ship to save their reputations. Science has not proven that the burning of fossil fuels is destroying the climate; increases in CO₂ are not causing global warming; but increased CO₂ does increase crop yields and is beneficial to the planet. It is very important for people to learn about this international hoax, and to speak up against the dishonest and destructive socialist voices who are determined to eliminate capitalism and establish a one-world totalitarian government.
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